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Dedoles Cuts Manual Labor by 60% With Bloomreach and Datacop

Dedoles is a leading EU fashion retailer that sells socks, underwear, and other accessories for men, women, and children. Since its founding in 2011, Dedoles has grown to serve more than three million customers in 15 countries worldwide. 

reduction in average build time for multi-language newsletter campaigns 
potential hours of manual labor saved each month

The Challenge

Serving a diverse customer base across many regions and languages presented a challenge for Dedoles. Specifically, it was difficult to scale its email marketing and manage the multiple language variations for each campaign. Manually building emails in 15 languages for every campaign was time-consuming and left room for a lot of human error.

It was crucial for Dedoles that every campaign remained accurate and consistent, regardless of the language. The brand sought a solution that could speed up campaign creation, ensure uniform messaging across all languages, and ultimately boost customer experiences.

The Solution

To streamline email creation, enhance accuracy, and guarantee consistency across languages, Dedoles worked with Bloomreach and digital studio Datacop to implement an automated approach using catalogs, Google Sheets, and Jinja.

To do this, Datacop first identified constant elements across all emails, like the header, footer, and unsubscribe copy. Additionally, the team noted dynamic elements such as subject lines, images, and text that vary from campaign to campaign, depending on the language used.

This data was then organized into "newsletter catalogs," which stored information about language variations and how to use them in future email campaigns. From there, Dedoles imported these spreadsheets into Bloomreach Engagement, the retailer’s email service provider (ESP) of choice. 

Once all the data was imported, the process was further automated through Jinja code. For instance, instead of manually typing subject lines for each language, Jinja retrieved the appropriate subject line based on the customer's language preference and the campaign date outlined in Google Sheets. This eliminated the need to create multiple versions of the same email, saving significant time and effort.

Additionally, thanks to Loomi, Bloomreach’s AI for ecommerce, the marketing team at Dedoles also has access to AI-driven content generation to further speed up email campaign creation. 

The Results

By automating 60% of the manual build time, Dedoles reduced the average build time for a single newsletter campaign from 4 hours to 1.5 hours. With 10-15 email builds per month, the Dedoles team now saves anywhere from 25 to 37.5 hours of manual labor each month. 

Plus, with a newly automated email-building process, Dedoles has far fewer errors in its campaigns. This allows the Dedoles team to send emails with confidence that the content is correct and in the right language for each customer.

Dedoles' partnership with Bloomreach and Datacop illustrates how innovative technology can unlock powerful results. Through automation and advanced AI-powered tools, Dedoles has streamlined its email marketing process to reduce errors and enhance the customer experience with personalized emails delivered in the right language. Bloomreach's technology empowered Dedoles to scale seamlessly, fostering stronger customer connections through its robust email marketing engine.